Overwhelmed Parents..A child transportation service can help.

Can you relate to the picture above?  I've always been proud/amazed at how my parents were able to take care of our family. As a kid, I never realized exactly how much personal "me time" was spent on the kids verses Mom and Dad using it on themselves. Now as an adult with no kids (3 pups), I'm even more astounded.

By the end of the work week, I'm exhausted. As a society, most of our time is stretched to the limit at work causing us to become overwhelmed, stressed, or exhausted. I haven't even mentioned being responsible to for another human being yet! Are you tired? Wishing there was more time in the day?

According to the Department of Labor, there's a trend in American families that's become very familiar , in that; 70% of mothers with children under the age of 18 work outside the home (Source: U.S. Dept of Labor, 2013). With this in mind, I flashback to my parents...how did they do it? Since the beginning of time Moms/Dads have gotten up and had to deal with kid issues, money issues, discipline issues, health issues, and so on.

It's different this time. Working parents are still facing those same issues but the day-to-day logistics of working and raising a family have made it very difficult to focus on keeping work at work, and loving on our families at home. There's no time to "decompress" because Suzy has tutoring tomorrow at 4 pm and Billy has soccer practice at 5 pm. Very few parents have the extended family networks to help with Suzy and Billy. If so, maybe they'll help by carpooling with one kid to help with the conflicting schedules but then being obliged to return the favor.

How would you to like to not spend an extra hour in traffic to bring Billy to practice or Suzy to tutoring? By using a child transportation service, families can gain at least a couple of quality "family time" hours. Not to mention, maybe some "me time" for Mom/Dad!

Parenthood is a brave and courageous journey. Let Care Commute be the solution to your child transportation issues, while you enjoy more quality time with your family.

You. The cool, full of energy (but exhausted), brave and courageous, parents.

Child Transportation


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